Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception & Hollywood - Jay Dyer (Half)

Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception & Hollywood – Jay Dyer (Half)

This evening we will cover another Huxley text I got around to reading, his well known Doors of Perception. A mystical, religious text, this syncretist work of propaganda was instrumental in the drug revolution of the 1960s, and in particular,…

How Religious Institutions Are Subverted: State, Intelligence & Foundation Funding - Jay Dyer

How Religious Institutions Are Subverted: State, Intelligence & Foundation Funding – Jay Dyer

Today we return to a crucial subject that is even more in focus given the last 3 years’ events, warfar3 in certain regions and the prevalence of institutional capture becoming more and more overt. Institutional capture refers to the covert…

Destruction of Noses

Destruction of Noses

A quick look into the symbolic significance behind the destruction of the noses on statues from antiquity. We explore possible connections between the destruction of noses and knowledge and how perhaps this is a representation of our lost history. Presentation…