Potential YouTube Solution - The Universal Video-Catalog

Potential YouTube Solution – The Universal Video-Catalog

In essence this would seek to act as a permanent catalog of content across *all* major video provider sites, freeing us from YouTube’s monopoly and algorithmic tricks, and the reliance on any single platform. Ideally it could eventually have an…

YouTube - Sprinting Towards Obsolescence

YouTube – Sprinting Towards Obsolescence

As I mentioned recently on Twitter, I’d like to make clear my policy on my own content: please feel free to download, post, distribute in any and every manner you please… you’re even welcome to profit from them, and don’t…

A New Channel is Born

A New Channel is Born

The new Livestream-specific channel, for those interested: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBFq0WddUlytySF-RsRXgGA As of the posting of this video, the Refuge is *alive* once again. Use the link above to pay a visit, at any time.. and subscribe to be informed of all future…

A Different Social Media Platform

A Different Social Media Platform

This video only covers the broadest strokes. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to comment or reach out directly, I’ll be happy to answer all. Bitcoin – 334FiHjQmcQtL4wv45Nr4YsLcdFAv8kCUA BCH – qq5zygs334adj6yz0wrndgwq9360mdm2vu00s7x03c ETH – 0x5bB1BA93ea6dE6f400Efc4D773B78b438955Da99 Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/AshaLogos The…