The Red Pill & JBP's Classical Liberalism: Can We Have Meaning Without Metaphysics & Realpolitik?

The Red Pill & JBP’s Classical Liberalism: Can We Have Meaning Without Metaphysics & Realpolitik?

Today I want to prep for tonight’s discussion with JimBob by returning to some of our older critiques of classical liberalism and the enlightenment’s dialectics. In my redpill critique streams, after highlighting areas of agreement, my disagreement focused on 2…

Banking / Economic Collapse? - The Real Secret of Money - Jay Dyer

Banking / Economic Collapse? – The Real Secret of Money – Jay Dyer

Today we dive into some of the classics that deal with money printing and what money really and truly is. We look at the fiat system and how it is actually revolutionary, meaning part of the Marxist/socialist technique to engage…

How Religious Institutions Are Subverted: State, Intelligence & Foundation Funding - Jay Dyer

How Religious Institutions Are Subverted: State, Intelligence & Foundation Funding – Jay Dyer

Today we return to a crucial subject that is even more in focus given the last 3 years’ events, warfar3 in certain regions and the prevalence of institutional capture becoming more and more overt. Institutional capture refers to the covert…