OPEN DEBATE! Catholics, Protestants, Atheists, Muslims & Calvinists Vs Jay Dyer

OPEN DEBATE! Catholics, Protestants, Atheists, Muslims & Calvinists Vs Jay Dyer

We return to our normally scheduled broadcasts as we open the forum back up – tonight’s topics include: deity of Christ, Trinity, biblical theology, OT-NT relations, TAG and Logos / Logoi, comparative religion, “Palamism,” tradition and solas, calvinism and predestination,…

Trent Horn Uses Quantifier Shift Fallacy - Roman Catholic Natural Theology Called Out

Trent Horn Uses Quantifier Shift Fallacy – Roman Catholic Natural Theology Called Out

#catholic #trenthorn #debate Because they all claim to believe in “one god” it doesn’t logically follow. Trent was caught in this fallacy as well as many more in our debate.

Atheist, Roman Catholic & Evangelical MELTDOWNS When Challenged on Claims! Open Debate Vs Jay Dyer

Atheist, Roman Catholic & Evangelical MELTDOWNS When Challenged on Claims! Open Debate Vs Jay Dyer

It’s that time again! Another open forum for all the haters, taters and wanna be debaters! Come bring your best arguments of challenges against any of my claims or positions! You can have the floor for as long as you…

Rome Admits Orthodox Positions...Again: David Erhan & Snek with Jay Dyer

Rome Admits Orthodox Positions…Again: David Erhan & Snek with Jay Dyer

Today we will cover the recent Alexandria document which, much like Chieti, admits many contentions Orthodox have leveled for centuries. Is this consistent however with Vatican 1’s claims? Snek and David join me to discuss. David is here: Next…

Open Forum Debate! Roman Catholics, Protestants, Atheists, Muslims, Pagans - Jay Dyer

Open Forum Debate! Roman Catholics, Protestants, Atheists, Muslims, Pagans – Jay Dyer

Today we open it up again since this is what the audience requests. The open forum is for anyone who wants to make their case for whatever they take issue with: The rules are you have to make arguments -…

Institutional Capture: How Religions Are Subverted & Coopted - Rachel Wilson

Institutional Capture: How Religions Are Subverted & Coopted – Rachel Wilson

Rachel, who has done a good bit of investigation into subversive foundations and funding sources joins me to complement the last live stream we did on church subversion and state / intelligence agencies. We will look at the agenda many…