A Last Message to the West?  #NCCC

A Last Message to the West? #NCCC

(A few good people sponsored a Nationalist content creator competition, and I wanted to support the excellent idea – this is my contribution) Our desire to help those in need is a positive thing. The question then becomes how to…

Conspiracy? Our Subverted History, Part 2 - The Scythians and Their Kin

Conspiracy? Our Subverted History, Part 2 – The Scythians and Their Kin

Agile, independent, self-sufficient… only taking fights on their own terms, and only when the odds favor them.. refusing to play their opponents games or fall into their traps. Unassailable, yet powerfully capable of assailing enemies. Profoundly competent, yet understated and…

A Short Journey Through Time - The Western Aesthetic

A Short Journey Through Time – The Western Aesthetic

I purposefully didn’t label these pictures… Try not to focus on the specifics, and rather enjoy the visuals. Intended to be a breath of fresh air, in an age in which it’s increasingly hard to breathe.