ASTRAL PLANE 2020 EXPLAINED / Pt2 Protection

ASTRAL PLANE 2020 EXPLAINED / Pt2 Protection

We learn how to channel the four fundamental principles of existence in order to have a tool for protection on the Astral Plane. These Angels are a part of your Higher Consciousness and through the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the…



A meandering waltz (with the help of Karajan) through a small fraction of my old saved notes, for anyone interested in some quarantine-era thought-fodder. A few hundred more of these, and I’ll have covered much of what I’d like to…



We are excited to present our new Astral Plane Explained Series which will consist of three different parts. It was originally meant to be one long video but It was taking too long and I didn’t want to leave our…

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 'Psalm of Life'

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – ‘Psalm of Life’

This ‘Psalm of Life’ was shared with me on Patreon by an ‘M Brock’, a short while ago, and the words resonated. I woke up today wanting to do something to honor the New Year and the passage of time,…

Conspiracy? Our Subverted History, Part 4.3 - The Germanic Peoples: The End of the Goths

Conspiracy? Our Subverted History, Part 4.3 – The Germanic Peoples: The End of the Goths

A high point in the western tradition: strength, competence, stability, order, justice, grace and nobility. Lest we forget. ——————————————————————- I don’t monetize my videos here, to avoid supporting YouTube any more than is absolutely necessary.. so my support comes entirely…

Micro Organisms and Demons / MIND CONTROL 2019

Micro Organisms and Demons / MIND CONTROL 2019

This may come as a shock to many, but we feel that we have a responsibility in sharing this information. Anyone is qualified to assist in the journey of healing the human race, something that doctors RARELY do. Don’t get…

A Last Message to the West?  #NCCC

A Last Message to the West? #NCCC

(A few good people sponsored a Nationalist content creator competition, and I wanted to support the excellent idea – this is my contribution) Our desire to help those in need is a positive thing. The question then becomes how to…

Conspiracy? Our Subverted History, Part 4 - The Germanic Peoples: A Root and its Branches

Conspiracy? Our Subverted History, Part 4 – The Germanic Peoples: A Root and its Branches

I debated not uploading until all material was presented, along with the usual postscript/conclusion, but eventually decided this was the better path. Much more to come, soon. Tacitus’ Germania – Physical copy: Online text: Jordanes’ Getica – Physical…

Nephilim, ALIENS, ANCIENT GIANT TREES, Like AVATAR the movie...


This theory really makes you think about the world we live in. We have grown up forgetting to question the most basic things. Where do mountains come from? Where do the stars come from? Is there a deeper meaning to…

Potential YouTube Solution - The Universal Video-Catalog

Potential YouTube Solution – The Universal Video-Catalog

In essence this would seek to act as a permanent catalog of content across *all* major video provider sites, freeing us from YouTube’s monopoly and algorithmic tricks, and the reliance on any single platform. Ideally it could eventually have an…