IT'S ALL OVER - IF This Happens....

IT’S ALL OVER – IF This Happens….

Tonight we will have a new deep dive into big scale meta politics and the geopolitical movements that are sure to rock the world the next 12 months. This will be, I think, a heavy 12 months but we can…

DISGUSTING! Russell Brand Drama & The CIA's Control of the Media & Arts

DISGUSTING! Russell Brand Drama & The CIA’s Control of the Media & Arts

Jay Dyer comments on his hour of Lord V how the CIA uses their control of media and arts to debase and control society while simultaneously running moral outrage campaigns against people who challenge them like Assange or Brand. Send…

To Understand the Strange Events Worldwide - YOU NEED THIS BACKGROUND

To Understand the Strange Events Worldwide – YOU NEED THIS BACKGROUND

Jay Dyer hosts Lord Voldemort and explains the classic text from Dr John Coleman on the Committee of 300 who the world’s real rulers are – and how their 21 point plan is well under way. The New Philosophy Course…

How the Elite Control Structure Works: Tavistock & The Committee of 300

How the Elite Control Structure Works: Tavistock & The Committee of 300

C0urtenay Turner joins me and Jamie to cover a classic from former British Intelligence operative Dr. John Coleman who wrote his prophetic text in the early 90s that warned of so much of what is happening today. This is the…

Institutional Capture: How Religions Are Subverted & Coopted - Rachel Wilson

Institutional Capture: How Religions Are Subverted & Coopted – Rachel Wilson

Rachel, who has done a good bit of investigation into subversive foundations and funding sources joins me to complement the last live stream we did on church subversion and state / intelligence agencies. We will look at the agenda many…

How Religious Institutions Are Subverted: State, Intelligence & Foundation Funding - Jay Dyer

How Religious Institutions Are Subverted: State, Intelligence & Foundation Funding – Jay Dyer

Today we return to a crucial subject that is even more in focus given the last 3 years’ events, warfar3 in certain regions and the prevalence of institutional capture becoming more and more overt. Institutional capture refers to the covert…